Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"Ground Zero Mosque"

In case you haven't heard, read about "Park51" - or "Cordoba House" as it used to be called - which has been dubbed the "ground zero mosque" because it is proposed to be built 2 blocks from the WTC twin towers site.

Unfortunately, a lot of people have stereotypically assumed several things about this mosque and the people who are supportive of it. No, a mosque is not inherently a hideout of terrorists. No, most Muslims do not want to kill you. No, allowing a mosque to be built near the WTC site is NOT disrespectful... Oh, and yes you are being disrespectful and unhelpful by using emotional and extreme rhetoric as arguments against the people, the building and the location.

I don't know what the best way to confront this is... sign a petition? contact the individual people and organizations who are making racist or stereotypical statements? or do some research about the sponsors/owners/investors to get the truth about their purpose for the mosque?

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