Sunday, March 15, 2009

are we willing to go all the way?

Seeing how "popular" it is nowadays to be "green" and environmentally friendly, I wonder how far are we really willing to go? I mean, coal and oil companies will certainly fight to maintain their market share, but how about normal consumers? Are we willing to purchase "green" products? Hybrid vehicles are more expensive than their non-hybrid equivalents, and they have proven popular. Using energy efficient light bulbs and other, simple home improvements has also proven doable. But here is something pretty extreme:

Are we willing to drink our own waste water? This article in NY Times "A Tall Cool Drink of... Sewage?" about a new treatment plant in Fountain Valley shows how you can actually make very, very clean water out of sewage. But here is an interesting and sobering conclusion:
You could argue that in coming to terms with wastewater as a resource, we’ll take better care of our water. At long last, the “everything is connected” message, the bedrock of the environmental movement, will hit home. In this view, once a community is forced to process and drink its toilet water, those who must drink it will rise up and change their ways. Floor moppers will switch to biodegradable cleaning products. Industry will use nontoxic material. Factory farms will cut their use of antibiotics. Maybe we’ll even stop building homes in the desert.

But these situations are not very likely. No one wants to think too hard about where our water comes from. It’s more likely that the virtuosity of water technology will let polluters off the hook: why bother to reduce noxious discharges if the treatment plant can remove just about anything? The technology, far from making us aware of the consequences of our behavior, may give us license to continue doing what we’ve always done.

It seems we're not yet ready for change. Apathy and "ignorance is bliss" wins again.

*nerd note* They do it in the space station - months at a time drinking 100% reclaimed waste water! *end nerd note*

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

failed! I know, I know... my stated bed time was 11:15 and this was posted at 11:19pm... I tried!